Sunday, December 30, 2018

The secret ingredient responsible for derailing your weight loss goals

Is there one particular thing in modern life at which we can point an accusing finger when it comes to putting on the pounds?  Is there one key that if discovered and acknowledged could turn the tide against the growing obesity epidemic in the U.S. and around the world?
“I get this question a lot,” Says Brian Flatt, personal trainer and renowned weight loss expert, “Folks want to know if there’s a single culprit that packs on the weight and makes it near impossible for them to drop it.  There are a few answers, sadly, but one in particular I think is a good place to start – Sugar.”
There have been countless studies on how sugar effects the human body.  Visit websites such as Web MD, LiveScience and many others and you can read report after report on the true nature of sugar.  It’s now been proven to be just as addictive as cocaine and even heroine.  Perhaps more so, because sugar is so prevalent in most of the food we eat.
Sugar fuels the brain and the brain in turn treats sugar as a reward and releases dopamine to encourage you to consume more of it.  While it’s true that we do need sugar – the amount that the average person is eating every day is 2 to 3 times the FDA’s recommended allowance.
“The biggest problem with sugar and weight gain,” Flatt states, “Is that while everybody knows you shouldn’t drink soda every day or eat a big slice of cheesecake every night… they don’t realize how much sugar is in just about everything they’re eating.  The stuff that we think is healthy food actually contains very high amounts of a variety of sugars.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, starches are also converted into sugar.”
Unfortunately, complex starches like pasta, white flour, French fries, crackers, potato chips and the like are readily converted into sugar by your body.  That means that for people who may think they don’t have a sweet tooth – they actually do.
Perhaps the most insidious aspect of sugar is that it’s found in virtually every can, bag, box and bottle on the grocery shelf.  You can see this by looking at the ingredients.  There are many kinds of sugars including: brown sugar, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, glucose, lactose, sucrose, malto dextrin, cane syrup, corn syrup and others.  If these ingredients appear anywhere in the top 3 on the list – they’re present far too much.
“Low fat or fat free isn’t any better,” Flatt goes on, “Because generally when fat is removed, some form of sugar takes its place.  Sugar and fat make food taste good.  And those food companies want you coming back for more.”
In his new program, the 1 Week Diet, Brian Flatt continues his mission to help people all over the world learn the truth about their foods and about how to lose weight using the body’s natural bio-chemistry.  He shows you how to lose unwanted and unhealthy fat without crash diets, heavy cardio or endless hours in the gym.  He exposes myths and misinformation that keep people overweight and keep feeding a $50 billion global fitness and weight loss industry.

The secret ingredient responsible for derailing your weight loss goals

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