Friday, December 14, 2018

Clinical Research Reveals Startling News About How The Very Key To Dramatic Weight Loss Is Sitting On Your Kitchen Table At This Very Moment

Fitness expert and Korean Doctor share exciting information about how a single and all too common kitchen item is literally the key to losing as much as 7 to 10 pounds in a single week.

You’ve tried cutting out carbs… you’ve followed Atkins, Southbeach and the TLC diet… you’ve worn the tread off your running shoes… and yet, you’ve seen no significant weight loss or perhaps you’ve seen the weight come right back again when you take a break.  This is an all too common story for most people living in western nations today.

The reasons that you’ve struggled with your weight like so many of us is because like all of us, you’ve been exposed to fitness and weight loss myths, rather than facts.  Considering the weight loss industry generates more than $70 billion in the United States alone, its big business and they aren’t in a hurry to eliminate their client base.

Combining ancient Asian wisdom and modern medical research, a former marine Special Forces trainer and Korean doctor have created a simple, accurate and effective weight loss program called Fat Decimator.  This system peels back the veil on weight loss by dispelling the myths and showing you the science behind how the body works and how to work in harmony with your body’s natural fat burning abilities to rapidly, safely and permanently shed unsightly and unhealthy pounds.

And what’s one of the most important keys that lies at the heart of Fat Decimator and at the heart of your weight loss trouble – salt!

Finally, independent clinical research clearly illustrates how cutting salt from your diet is actually counter-productive to weight loss and can even cause long term health risks.

Doctor Sam Pak, a specialist on internal medicine and human bio-chemistry as well as being one of the co-founders of Kyle Cooper’s Fat Decimator system explains the true relationship between salt and weight loss.

“Your body uses salt for a variety of reasons.  Among these is that salt helps balance the PH levels of your stomach acid, allowing you to more easily break down foods for efficient digestion.  By robbing your body of salt, you not only reduce the amount of nutrients your lower GI is absorbing, you’re also preventing the body from breaking down certain acids that are dangerous to the rest of the body.”

Doctor Pak continues, “When you don’t break these acids down, your body begins to create and store more fat as a defense against these harmful acids.  Your body enters a state known as metabolic acidosis.  I liken it to leaving a pot of stew on the stove.  Over time, the food begins to rot.  This is exactly what happens in the human body as a result of a lack of salt.  No matter how hard you work, you’ll simply create more fat deposits and erode muscle tissue.”
Eating the right amount of salt is just one critical component in your weight loss journey.  In their program, Fat Decimator, Doctor Pak and Kyle Cooper explain exactly how this works and how certain fruits and vegetables thought to be healthy also contain dangerous amino acids that are harming your body.  The system also discusses the need for carbs, how to exercise properly and a variety of other techniques that have delivered remarkable results to over 50,000 regular people just like you.

In his presentation, Kyle talks about how he met Doctor Pak and how they worked to create the system.  He also explains how that very system literally saved the lives of a woman in her early 40’s who was facing her own demise from heart disease.

“Sharon’s story has inspired many folks,” Kyle notes, “Including me.  My chance meeting with her and watching her turn her life completely around in a matter of a month showed me that sharing this information was what the good lord really wanted me to do.”

Everything contained in The Fat Decimator System is backed by hard science.  Even Sharon Monroe’s miraculous change was tested by experts at John’s Hopkins who confirmed that her health had indeed improved and that she’d actually turned back the clock of age.

The Fat Decimator System gives you the power to boost your body’s own metabolic processes, improve your digestion, enhance your ability to fight disease all while delivering astonishing weight loss results.  While no one can guarantee another’s results, testimonials from thousands have clearly shown that losing 7 pounds per week is a moderate goal if the system is followed to the letter.

Enthusiastic users:

David W. of Clarksville, Maryland tried the system as a last resort.  He reported that after losing 5 pounds his first week, he went on to lose a total of 47 and has never felt better in his life.
Susan G. of Houston, TX lost a total of 34 pounds in a single month.  She was thrilled to say that none of her clothes would fit and that she was once again able to fit into the size 8’s she’d been saving for years.
Fat Decimator is a simple step by step process that doesn’t require starving yourself, grueling workouts, crazy pills or supplements or expensive exercise gadgets that don’t work.  It’s an all-natural, scientifically proven program that delivers amazing results to those who follow it.

Try Fat Decimator for yourself risk free!

Kyle shares his research and his vision with you in his free presentation.  He’ll show you how Fat Decimator came about, how it works and gives you tips you can put into practice right away.

Unlike so many weight loss programs, Fat Decimator doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.  Click this link and learn the truth about your body, about weight loss and about how you can radically and permanently shed those ugly pounds and rejuvenate your body for a longer, healthier and happier life.

The door of opportunity is open, simply click here to step through!

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